How To Meet High Quality Men (1 Way You Never Would Have Thought Of That Actually Works)

Online dating, bars, friends, religious groups, the gym. These are all good ways to meet men. However, there must be a great alternative option that gives you an immediate leg up. There is!
My idea is very easy. Find a meetup group, sport, or any activity people meet at that you are not particularly good at and start attending regularly.
Why are you doing this?
Men crave to feel needed by women in a world women RARELY need men.
So how do you accomplish this phenomenon?
Simple, join that Jui Jitsui class. Attempt to learn and when you struggle ask the good looking single guy if he can help you. (Men LOVE giving advice and teaching)
Once he teaches you something, perhaps you catch his eye and then you can get to know each other. If not, you can always try it on the next guy.
Now this idea may seem like a lot of work. Well, it is. So I would suggest picking an activity you would like to learn. Also, manage your expectations. Even if you don't meet a guy, you got your butt out of the house and did something you may have never done. Not to mention, if you stick with this activity, eventually you are going to get good at it. Once you are good at another activity, you are a more well rounded and interesting person.
If a guy gets a date with you via online dating and you tell him you can do jui jitsua, the right guy might be very interested and intrigued.
So basically, you are either getting a date or becoming more attractive to potential suitors. Sounds like a win/win situation.