Your online dating profile picture is like the gatekeeper to your digital love life. If the guy is NOT immediately attracted to your picture, he is NOT going to read your profile. It doesn’t matter how amazing you are or how well written your profile is. Guys do not read those interesting facts unless they like your profile picture.
To help you put together the perfect online profile picture and optimize your ability to find a high-quality partner, I’ve listed some guidelines to follow below. These are not my opinion. They are facts based on analytics from one of the major players in the online dating space.
This is your bible to select the perfect profile pictures.
1. Do not have anyone else in the picture with you, especially someone of the opposite gender
2. Make the picture as close to a square as possible
3. Don’t be too far or too close to the camera and center yourself in the frame (Your face should make up 8-15% of the surface area of the entire photo)
4. Vary your photos to show different life experiences (IE: skiing, traveling, relaxing on the beach, etc.)
5. Don't wear scantly clad outfits in most of the pictures
6. Use as many as photos as possible
7. Look stunning in 80% of the photos and show yourself doing fun activities in the other 20%
The reason No. 7 is so important is I want the guy to be attracted to you first and foremost. Then, I want him to image a life with you. I want him to picture bike riding, traveling, or hiking with you. If he starts by being attracted to you and then is enchanted by your lifestyle, there’s a strong chance he’s going to message you.
After creating the perfect picture, the next step is writing a great profile. Here’s a story I wrote which can help you with that. If you’re tired of reading, here’s a video on the topic.
I only trust one company for the PERFECT PROFILE PICTURE.
I trust Look Better Online. Click here to be taken to their site and explore getting one of their photographers and setup a photo shoot. (All my clients use LOOKBETTERONLINE.COM)

Scouring through online dating profiles trying to find a man who wants commitment takes a lot of effort. While there’s no guarantee their dating profile will tell whether they do or don’t want a real relationship, I have discovered some common threads that typically mean the guy is NOT looking for commitment. Here are some profile signs I’ve found to help you avoid the wrong guy.
1. Profile doesn’t have much detail
A man who is serious about finding a life partner is also serious about filling out his online profile. He’ll take time to write about his interests and hobbies and won’t leave gaping holes in his profile.
2."Looking to see what happens"
If he’s got that quote on his profile, he’s most likely looking for a girl to hook up with, not someone to build a meaningful relationship with.
3. Pictures with Women
If he posts pictures of himself with other women, that's where his head is at. Not on creating a relationship.
4. Any Mention of Sex
Yes, we all love sex and it’s an important part of a relationship. But if a man is truly looking for someone to spend the rest of his life with, he’s not going to include how often he needs to have sex a week to be happy.
5. Pictures that are not good and clearly took no effort
If a guy can't make some effort to find or take some decent pictures for his online profile, how much effort is he going to make in a relationship with you?
If you’re browsing online profiles looking for a lifetime partner and you see any of the above signs, do not message or respond. There is a high chance this guy is NOT looking for commitment.

The best resume gets the job interview. Online dating is no different. The best profile gets the date.
There are a couple key differentiators between the 95% of online profiles, which are not getting optimal results, and the 5% that get 10 to 20 times more communication.
Here’s how you can optimize your online profile:
2. Don’t talk about previous relationships
3. Be positive
4. Be honest
I highlighted Be Specific because that is the moneymaker. When men look at a profile they want something to send a message about. If you write, “I have a yellow lab named Clover who I walk in central park every morning,” you’re doing two things:
1. You’re telling them something specific about yourself they can relate to
2. You’re giving them an opportunity to message you about a subject they feel comfortable discussing
For example, the typical man might write back something like, “I love labs too. I actually have a black lab named Laddie, who just turned 7. How old is your dog?”
Boom! Conversation started.
What Else is Important in an Online Dating Profile?
Tell the world what you enjoy doing and paint a picture of what your life looks like. If you bike ride every day, make sure you say that. If you like painting, mention that. The point is attracting people with similar interests as you and avoiding people who don't share your interests.
Of course you will still receive messages from men that don't read profiles. But your high quality profile will also attract men serious about finding love. They are the ones analyzing and evaluating your profile based on their interests and they are the ones you want to meet.