Between 2005 and 2012, 33% of all marriages were from online dating. (Survey of 19,131 People)
In 2015, 5% of online dating profiles on one of the largest dating sites were vastly over performing the other 95%. What does over performing mean? It refers to the amount of messages received.
The 5% were receiving 5 to 10 times more messages than the average profile. The 5% were also receiving 10 - 20% increases in the quality of person reaching out. (Quality is based on match % which has proven to increase the likelihood of a couple liking each other and staying together long term)
"Okay Mike, you nerd, what does all this data mean?" Very simply, if you are part of the top 5% of online daters, you are the celebrities of online dating and literally get the pick of litter.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be Beyonce? Literally everyone wants you! Well 5% of online daters get a glimpse at what that feels like.

Do you want to be a celebrity and ultimately get access to the most eligible and compatible men?
If you answered yes, then it is time to setup a chat with me. I am the only dating coach in the country with exclusive access to the strategy needed to be part of the celebrity top 5% of online daters.
My clients 100% of the time become part of the top 5% AND get into a relationship 83% of the time and I have 100% client satisfaction. Setup a time to chat with me, and let's get you started so you too can find the man of your dreams. Click below to book a 15 minute introductory call with me.

One of the biggest complaints my female clients have are guys bombarding them with nude picture requests. That and unwanted penis pictures.
This behavior can be fun and make a relationship more exciting when both parties are comfortable with each other. But in the early stages of dating, a naked photo request puts women in an awkward situation.
On one end you probably don’t want to send a naked picture to someone you're still getting to know. On the other side you don’t want the man to feel rejected.
With that in mind I give you my patented "naked photo" request response:
"I love sending photos but I reserve that fun for men I’m in an exclusive relationship with. Maybe someday that will be you. Until then you’ll have to earn it."
I love this response because men should be rewarded when they perform the behavior you want them to perform.
In this case, you want this man to continue to chase/court you, but in a less sexual fashion—for now. Once he does the preferred behavior of making the relationship exclusive, he will earn the possibility of photos if you feel comfortable.
In general, men need to receive more benefits in a relationship then when they are casually dating. It will motivate them to get into a relationship and eliminate the fear of being committed.
Here are some other ways to intice them:
1. Priority response to texts/phone calls
2. Special sex reserved for monogamy
3. Availability to weekend dates and prime nights; Friday/Saturday Night
4. On demand sex
5. More active role in understanding your man and making him comfortable
6. Cooked meals for the week
7. Love notes
Bottom line is the transition to monogamy should be one of triumph and a better lifestyle together. Not handcuffs and regret. Now go out there and make men throw their hands up in the air in pure happiness to be with you!

During my online dating days, one of my biggest frustrations was communicating electronically with people for extended periods of time.
The back-and-forth messaging went on for days and I was never quite sure if the other person liked me or not. I also wasn’t a very witty or charming writer, which gave people who were a huge advantage over me.
I did feel, however, that I was a personable date once we met face-to-face, so I had to figure out a way to go from chatting online to meeting for the first date quickly.
Here’s how you do it.
(The following advice is strictly for women. My advice for men is entirely different.)
"Thanks for messaging me. (Answer whatever question he asked in 1-2 sentences). I'm not huge on chatting online. I would rather meet in person to see if there's any chemistry. When you get a free moment, let me know if you want to grab a drink sometime?"
This approach may seem a little forward, but it isn’t.
Men love a strong confident woman who goes after what she wants. Don't be timid. If you want to meet a guy, ask him. After the first date, go back to waiting for him to ask you out. That way you quickly figure out if he’s truly interested in you.
On a side note, men hate chatting online too. The reason they do it is because they think most women prefer it. If you take the initiative you’ll make his life better by getting both of you out of digital purgatory and into real world dating.