How to Flirt via Text: 9 Texts to Send To Your Guy to Make You Irresistible

Have you ever wondered about what texts you should send to make a man feel crazy about you? Have you stressed about sending the "perfect" text to make him feel special?
Agonized over what to text to win him back? Girl, we have all been there!
While texting shouldn't be the primary form of communication if your goal is to form a healthy, happy, long-term relationship, giving great text can definitely move thinks along. Here are nine texts any man will find irresistible.
1. Hey Handsome: This is a fun and playful text that makes him feel like a stud. Why? Because men are more insecure about their looks than you could ever imagine.
2. Good Morning Sunshine! I just woke up to the craziest dream about you. Bonus: Share the dream! What guy wouldn't want to know you spent the night dreaming of him and woke up thinking about him? Note: Don't send this text unless you've actually had a dream about a man!
3. Goodnight (Insert name/pet name): A man loves to know that he's the one you go to bed thinking about!
4. Just saw _____, and it made me think of you. This is a simple reminder that lets him know that he's on your mind.
5. A cute photo of you with a caption about something that you are currently doing. It need not be sexual. If a guy is really into you, he will appreciate a candid, silly image. But while you are at it..............
6. A sext: It doesn't hurt to send a sexy text or two! Something along the lines of "I'm not wearing any underwear and....." could work wonders. Be careful about sending racy photos. You have to really trust the guy....and trust that your images won't end up on the internet.
7. An Open-Ended Question: Men love to feel needed. Your guy will melt once he becomes your-go-to-person for advice. It doesn't matter what you ask him. It could be anything from his recommendation for BBQ restaurants or which space heater you should by.
8. The inappropriate thoughts you would never say out loud: You know that he'll feel special when you send him your most candid, politically incorrect, brutally honest thoughts about every day matters. (Especially if you are usually quite reserved and polite!) Think of yourself as a cartoon character sharing your thought bubble.
9. I love/ miss you: Life is short; you could really never say it enough! If he feels the same way, he will be thrilled to hear it! If his feelings aren't as strong, he will be flattered and more motivated to share his feelings if/when they catch up to yours.
Rachel Russo, MS, MFT is a Matchmaker, Dating & Relationship Coach, Author & Speaker. She has a master’s degree in Marriage & Family Therapy from Iona College, a BA in Psychology from Rutgers University, and a certification as an Intentional Relationship Coach. Rachel is the founder of Rachel Russo Relationships-a NYC-based dating and relationship consultancy-and has worked as a matchmaker for eleven years. Rachel is the author of two books: A Fab Job Guide To Become A Matchmaker and How To Get Over Your Ex: A Step By Step Guide To Mend A Broken Heart Italian American Style. Rachel has pretty much earned her PhD in men—many thanks to a reality-date-a-thon in which she went on ninety-two dates in one year and blogged about them.
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