Can A Person Change Their Love Life Instantly?

Yes. It is my opinion that people can and do make massive changes in a split second. Let me give you an example. Remember last time you had a job that you didn't really like. For awhile you just keep chugging along telling yourself, "It is not that bad."
But eventually something terrible happens, it jolts you like a punch in the gut, and all of a sudden you are at your breaking point and immediately looking for a new job.
Well this exact same phenomenon is going to happen in your dating life and in your love relationships. Sometimes in a relationship you hit a breaking point and decide to break up.
Sometimes you are single and decide, right now I am no longer going to settle for being single.
Well this is something I want to discuss more.
83% of my clients get into a relationship during 6 months of coaching with me. However, what is more interesting to me, is what is the difference between the 83% and the 17%?
Why do the 83% succeed when everyone is giving the exact same strategy?
Since, I HATE losing, and LOVE helping people accomplish their goals I needed an answer so everyone will be successful.
What I realized, is the 17% didn't have the same level of commitment. They didn't say, "I am going to do whatever it takes"
They did say, "I want this badly, and I really want to make it happen"
There is a huge difference between these two mindsets. The women who really want to make it happen, have given themselves an out by "wanting" instead of "needing". They can fail. They won't do anything and everything for it. On the flip side, the 83% are refusing to allow failure to be an option.
So what have we learned so far?
1. You Need a Mindset that says, "I am going to do it, NO MATTER WHAT!"
So other than the mindset, what did the 83% do that the 17% didn't always do:
1. Ensuring 1-2 dates per week no matter what
2. Follow the M,W,FR plan of 30 minutes/day of online dating to re-build the funnel of men
3. Giving men with little chemistry (Initially) and high compatibility at least 4 dates
4. Following the rest of strategy to a T
A good strategy and the right mindset, that is all you need to accomplish any goal that you may have.