5 New Dates To Zest Up Your Love Life In 2016

New experiences can be the spice of life. Not to mention if you are genuinely enjoying the activity you are doing, it may reflect in your attitude towards your date. Here are 5 new date ideas that should help inject some excitement in 2016.
1. BYOB Painting
Not to sell this date too hard, but I absolutely loath painting and was very skeptical when my girlfriend wanted to take me to a BYOB painting class. However once I was there, I had the most amazing time and would definitely do it again. Also, I have zero artistic ability. But the instructor goes step by step and literally anyone can follow along.
2. Returning/Exchanging Holiday Gifts
I’m a huge fan of doing errands as a date. Errands always provide for a casual date that seems to remove the pressure and typically allow for easier more free flowing conversation. Not to mention aren't errands more fun when you have someone fun and good looking at your side?
3. Cooking Class
Everyone loves food. Everyone loves a person that can cook. However, even if you can't cook, everyone loves a person who is willing to try things they aren’t good at. And like the painting class, your cooking instructors will help you look like a chef even if you aren’t one.
4. Comedy Show
This is good idea later in a relationship. It’s a horrible first date because you can't get to know each other and may be awkward based on the topics of the jokes. However, if you know each other well, this is a great way to blow off steam and have some good laughs that leave you excited for the rest of the night.
5. Trivia Night
If you want to create some laughs yourself, nothing beats Tuesday trivia night at your local bar. The questions are usually fun (throwback shows and movies are always referenced), which gives you an opportunity to make witty commentary. And who doesn’t like that.
I am always looking for new fun dates. If you have any suggestions, please leave some ideas below. Thanks for contributing!