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What to Do When a Guy Suddenly Stopped Texting

Phone in your hand, frustration setting in, and a blank screen blinking blazing white from the display.

Stop trying to text simply to elicit a response and play system. Before your fingers hit those keys—- just stop. Let’s backtrack a little bit and see where you started to go wrong. The good thing is — you still haven't completed ruined all chances.

Clearly what you’re doing isn’t working and unfortunately, this might be sabotaging your chances, so that’s where we swoop in and save the day. Before you reach for your phone again and try to solve it all before you get to the end of this article—think again. Be patient, we promise the time to read this will make it worth it.

Your phone chimes but it’s not the name you want to see. So what do you do to change this?

What to do when a guy suddenly stops texting you is a question so many women wonder about yet no one really knows when it comes to the perfect answer. But what can you do when a guy suddenly vanishes, suddenly stops texting you and makes you feel horrible?

When at the start of a budding relationship, the reason he hasn't texted back yet could be a million different ones. Especially since you are still getting to know each other, you just might not know him well enough yet, so he might be busy working, with friends, focusing on something or, ultimately, he might not be interested. Although we never want it to be the last reason we have to remember, texting is rather new in history, especially in relationships, so there really isn't the “perfect” way to do it.

But there is hope! Here are a few tips when it comes to texting someone you're interested in:

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]Remember, texting isn’t a game to win. The mindset of winning is a silly one, in fact, texting only makes sense if you have something to say! If you are just trying to play games with someone or if you are looking to play with someone’s feelings through text, do something more worthwhile your time.

[if !supportLists]2. [endif]However, be wary of texting. Take control of your impulses. We know it’s easy to reach out but your game should be to remain a bit mysterious in the beginning. Make the guy work for it! Don’t let yourself be one of the women men complain about. Texting a lot and sounding desperate can definitely have a negative reaction.

Remember, at the end of the day— you are texting, not composing a letter or an essay for homework. Texting should be silly, funny, and not taken seriously!

If you're being frank and letting him know you're interested, you should compliment him in a text. Don’t go overboard with this, a simple “Hey handsome” will do the trick. Like we said before — keep it light. It’s not just women who love compliments.

The key to texting, no matter what you're saying, is to have a good vibe. Your vibe is your inner state of mind and will shine through in your words, even if they're on a message.

Your vibe comes from your mood, and it shows through in everything that you do.

It’s not something you can fake, which will become clear very quickly. Your vibe comes from how you genuinely feel in the privacy of your own mind – and no matter how you’re acting on the outside, your vibe will reflect how you feel on the inside.

A good vibe comes from a positive mood. If you feel good about yourself and your situation, your vibe is good. Let that shine through in your texts, while keeping it fun and lighthearted, and you're golden.

Abour Your Author: Erin Elizabeth is the Web Content Manager & Head editor at Vixen Daily, where she edits both beauty and love/dating/relationship content. Her passion is spreading love in its purest form; her guiding principle rests upon the idea that peace is better than war and attacking serves no purpose in our world. She also writes for various online media publications including but not limited to: Your Tango, Talkspace,, the Good Men Project & Zoosk.

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