You Won't Believe These Are the 3 Attributes You Need to Be the Queen of Confidence

According to scientific studies confidence is the #1 most attractive quality in the opposite sex. Now how does this apply to you? No matter how great a person you are, if you can't build chemistry with a person most daters these days are not going to give you enough dates to find out. Thus, showing confidence which will create chemistry is pertinent in the early stages of relationship.
What is the easiest way to show confidence?
Simple, hold eye contact, ask questions and be "interested, not interesting."
Eye Contact
Eye contact is the building blocks of confidence. Next time you are walking around Manhattan I want you to lock eyes with everyone you walk past. If they look away first, how do you feel? If you look away first how do you feel?
Most people will feel confident when the other person looks away. Now if you play this game long enough, no matter how well you train yourself when you finally see someone very attractive, there is a strong chance you will look away when he/she makes eye contact with you. If you are anything like me, you will be kicking yourself internally and be like, "Grrr, I can't believe I looked away!"
Take Away - Try playing this game often. The more you practice holding eye contact, the more muscle memory you can build at locking eyes and feeling confident while doing so. Then, next time you are having a candle lit dinner, you will have the confidence to hold eye contact, with zero words, and watch your man squirm because he can't believe how lucky he is to be at dinner with someone so sexy and confident!
Ask Questions
Confidence is being woman enough to let the other person speak. If you are locking eyes, acting interested, and asking genuine questions to get to know the other person better, that is pure confidence, and boy oh boy is that sexy. There is nothing like a strong, confident woman who is so comfortable in her own skin that she doesn't need to perform verbal diarrhea of her life story just to avoid an awkward silence. If you do run out of questions, lock eyes, win the staring contest or occasionally look at the tv in the bar so both parties can have a few seconds to think of the next question.
Be Interested, Not Interesting
This idea is crucial to confidence and quite frankly being likeable. Everyone loves to talk about themselves. Get a person speaking about themselves and then be super interested. Do this and there is a 95% chance the person will like you. If you add in some sexy eye contact and physical attraction, I can guarantee you are getting asked out on a 2nd date. The only question at this point is, are you going to accept the date offer?
Find Your Soul mate NOW
It is 2016, you are still single. Are you ready to make a drastic change on the way you date? Are you ready to meet your soul mate and finally go on your last first date? Then it is time to have the most efficient and successful dating process. 2016 is the year you find love and the year you are the sexiest, most confident, and successful dater in all of NY. Now is your time to shine. Contact me to setup a FREE dating strategy session. When together we find your soul mate, you will be happy you reached out. 83% of my clients enter into a relationship during coaching.
Email me at or call me 201-683-8702
I can't wait to chat with you! (I work with people all over the United States)