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6 Not So Obvious Signs He Wants A Relationship

The No. 1 complaint I hear from single women is, "I can't find a quality man that wants a relationship."

Well, guess what ladies? There are men out there who want a relationship. They're just hard to find.

Below I'm going to give you some signs that the guy is ready for monogamy. Obviously don't guarntee he wants a relationship. But they will help you quickly figure out what kind of person they are.

6 Signs He Wants A Relationship

1. Lived in the Same Apartment for 4+ Years

2. Lived in Same City for 7+ Years

3. Had the Same Job for 2+ years

4. Doesn't Get Wasted on the Weekends Anymore

5. Isn't Recently Getting Out of a Marriage or Serious Relationship

6. Is at least 31 Years Old

The reoccurring theme in 1 through 3 is stability, which is a good indicator of who they are.

In signs 4-6 it's about figuring out whether or not he's gotten the single experience out of him and is ready for something more.

Hopefully these help you figure out if your new man really wants a relationship. If you're already dating a guy already and want to know if he is serious about you, this will help you.


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