When Online Dating Should Women Send the First Message?

Dear Mike,
"Last night, William and I had a conversation about our relationship. He said he adores me and would like to see only me if I was willing to do the same thing? He also stated, he would like to call me his girlfriend. Thank you so much for helping me"
Anonymous (One of My Clients)
I wanted to use this example for one very specific reason. This couple is still dating and they are CRAZY ABOUT EACH OTHER. Guess who asked who on the first date? Honestly, I don't think either of them care. However, since I love data, success stories, and learning what works vs. what doesn't, I had my client walk me through how it all started.
This relationship started with the girl sending an email asking him if he would like to grab a drink sometime. After the initial question, the guy responding with:
"Yes, how about margaritas" - The Man
"Sounds great, when and where?" - My Client
The rest is history. The moral of the story is this, online dating is a numbers game. The more messages you send, the more dates you go on, the sooner you find "the one".
Now if your problem is not getting dates, but getting high quality dates, let's not point the finger at men just yet. Look at your profile and be honest with yourself, does your profile in a VERY SPECIFIC manner truly tell a person the activities you like to do and the person you really are?
It doesn't count to say, "I am genuine, nice, a great friend, and always up for anything". These types of statements tell the readers absolutely nothing about you! If you want to learn how to make the perfect profile for FREE, check out my video at https://ezdatingcoach.leadpages.net/perfect-profile/
Remember, it is impossible to attract high quality men if you don't have a high quality and SPECIFIC profile. When your profile depicts exactly who you are, what you enjoy, and who you are looking for, more men that are attracted to your specific brand and are good matches will reach out. Otherwise, potential suitors will simply be messaging you because they find you attractive instead of understanding who you are.
Bottom line, make sure you have a great profile and start sending messages, lots of them. If you would like to learn my proprietary online dating system please click the link below to book an initial FREE 15 minute conversation and together we can start brainstorming together. I will teach you the exact wording in first messages to men, responding to messages, and most importantly creating a profile that will get you men that actually make sense for you.