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In The Game of Love: You Get What YOU Ask For #SetBoundaries

Setting boundaries 3.3.15.jpg

by Mike Goldstein

Most women above the age of 28 that I meet are looking for love, marriage, and commitment. However, I consistently hear stories of these same wonderful women casually dating men and hoping at some point they will ask her to be monogamous. But, the guy never asks and the man gets to skirt through their relationship with no commitment. This usually carries on for a few months until the woman finally confronts the man and asks where this is headed.

The man squirms and says one of the following:

"I don't know"

"Let's see what happens"

"I like you, let's see"

and so on!

First off, I am sorry ladies when you have to deal with this. It stinks!

However, let me offer you an alternative to NEVER have to deal with this again. On the 2ND Date or even first date tell a man what you are looking for. Say with confidence, "My life is perfect, I have a great apartment in NYC, I have a secure job that I love. All I am missing is a life partner. I would like to find him and in the meantime I don't want to waste time with hook ups. What are you looking for?" - (Miss Confidence)

Wow, very powerful statement and question, RIGHT! This is extremely sexy from the male point of view. This woman has it together and knows what she wants. Assuming the man is attracted to her and wants the same things, he is going to pursue this woman. If the guy is not ready for commitment, he is most likely not going to ask her on a 2nd date.

Why will the guy who just wants a hook up not pursue a 2nd date?

Men are lazy, if they are just looking for a hook up, they will find a girl willing to provide that. They are not going to work extremely hard to impress Miss Confidence just for a sexual encounter. It is too much work and HOPEFULLY most men will realize she is focused on a goal and it would be EXTREMELY CRUEL to just hook up with a girl when she set her BOUNDARIES upfront. (Men can be cruel but most of them don't do it intentionally)

Moral of the story, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, tell men what you want. It is very sexy to confidently profess your dating goals. Moving forward, when dating this man, hold him accountable for your standard. If he can't meet them, there are plenty of men that will be ecstatic to be with you. #Next

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